Roy-Hart Music Parents Club has over 150 members who are listeners, teachers, performers, and music advocates. We share a love of music and a desire to support and encourage young musicians in central Virginia.
Members enjoy musical programs in the auditorium of The Center at Belvedere on the first Wednesday of October, November, December, February, April and May. Support for music education and young musicians includes funding for public school music programs, young musicians' recitals, tuition assistance, an annual competition awarding cash prizes and scholarships, and two university-level scholarship programs. Members also gather informally to perform with and for one another.
Board of Directors
Nancy Bertram, President
Karen Kopf, Vice President
Barbara Moore, Treasurer
Diane Spresser, Secretary
Paula Ball
Mary Ann Bournos
Peter Freeman
Judy Hightower
Diane Kingsbury
Cheryl Lewis
William McCauley
Dana Patek
Laurie Shulman
Carolyn Voldrich
Lynanne Wilson
Committee Chairs* and Other Key Roles
*Communication & Publicity, Dana Patek
*Competition, Carolyn Voldrich
Corresponding Secretary, Paula Ball
*Development, William McCauley
*Educational Outreach, Karen Kopf
Fermata Coordinator, Ineke Dickman
*Finance, Peter Freeman
*Membership, Diane Kingsbury
MUSIC HERE!, Nancy Bertram
*Musical Interlude, Christine Parrott
*Nominating, Dana Patek
*October Launch, Mary Ann Bournos
Parlimentarian, Barbara Moore
*Program, Laurie Shulman
Recitals, Doris Vander Meulen
*Tuition Assistance, Lynanne Wilson
University Scholarships, Ayn Balija
Website Administrator, Michele Carragan
*Yearbook, Judy Hightower
Our Mission
The Roy-Hart Music Parents Club promotes and expands quality musical and educational opportunities for its members, for teachers, for music lovers, and for the youth of Central Virginia through regular performances, shared group experiences, competitions, and financial support.
Our Vision
The Roy-Hart Music Parents Club will foster and sustain a vibrant music climate throughout Central Virginia, especially among young people.