Founded in 1923


Roy-Hart Music Parents Club supports, encourages, and rewards young musicians through music camp scholarships and cash prizes awarded via a professionally judged competition, and provides significant financial assistance through need-based tuition scholarships for music lessons. More recent initiatives include three university music major scholarships, music lesson scholarships for Charlottesville symphony student players, an Educational Outreach program in which the Club funds proposals from schools and organizations in Charlottesville, Albemarle, and contiguous counties, and "Music Here!", a partnership with Walker Upper Elementary School.

These programs are supported by over a dozen permanent endowment funds and bequests given in memory of past members, by one-time or renewed grants from community organizations or individual “friends of Roy-Hart Music Parents Club ”, and by the generous annual donations of our own membership.

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Educational Outreach

The Club Educational Outreach program expands RHMP's mission both geographically and substantively beyond the immediate Charlottesville-Albemarle region, and substantively, beyond individual music lessons and summer music camps.



In the upcoming competition, to be held annually in the Winter, over $11,000 will be given out to support young musicians in the community and surrounding areas.


Special Events

Each year, the club holds a special fundraising event for members and friends of RHMP featuring performances by the Club's University Music Major Scholarship recipients followed by a reception. The proceeds from these events contribute substantially to our funds.

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