Each year the RHMP holds a competition for music camp scholarships and monetary prizes. It is open to music students in central Virginia. Applicants must be recommended by their music teachers. The RHMP Competition is held in the late winter, and the scholarship and award recipients perform at a Winners Recital shortly afterwards.
Tuition Scholarships
Roy-Hart Music Parents Club provides music lession tuition assistance for students in Central Virginia whose parents cannot affford the full cost of private lessons. Applications are submitted by both the music teacher and the student's family. The recipients of this assistance are supported in their development through performing in RHMP Young Musicians Recitals, RHMP Competitions, and other community events.
Student Recitals
The Club holds four Young Musicians Recitals each year in the Hunter J. Smith Auditorium at The Center at Belvedere. In addition, there is a recital for adult students in the spring of each year. All area music teachers, regardless of Club membership, are welcome to submit their students to perform in these recitals.